7 places to find the Beautiful Berlin Blossoms
Berlin winters can be long, cold and dark, but when spring arrives, it feels like the whole city turn into a blossom paradise.
Where to find the most photogenic Berlin Blossoms?
Let me show you some very famous and some lesser known spots to spot the Beautiful Berlin Blossoms.

It's hard to predict the exact timing of the blooming, but when you click the name of the locations in this post, you can find the IG-location-tag-pictures (scroll down to 'most recent') , where you can get an idea of the blossom progress.
The TV Asahi Cherry Blossom Avenue is probably the most famous place to catch the wonderful Sakura Cherry Trees and it's definitely the location with the most blossoms!
The former border strip, where once the Berlin Wall stood, transformes during spring into a pink Wonderland. On this two kilometer long path, you can find more than 1.000 (!!!) Sakura Cherry trees, the biggest collection of pink blossoms I have ever seen!
After the Berlin Wall came down, the Japanese TV Asahi organised a fund raise to donate cherry trees to Berlin. The Sakura Campaign by TV Asahi made it possible to plant over 9000 cherry trees in Berlin and Brandenburg.
According to Japanese tradition, the cherry blossoms are supposed to 'bring peace and tranquillity to the hearts of the people'.
The second biggest collection of Berlin Blossoms can be found at the Bornholmer Strasse.
The Bornholmer Strasse was one of the border crossings between East and West Berlin and was the first border crossing to open during the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9th, 1989.
If you stand on the Bösebrücke you can look in to directions:
When you look South, you can see the TV-tower peeking above the white blossoms. These bloom very early in spring.
When you look North, you can see the Sakura Cherry Blossom path. When the blossoms on the other side of the bridge have finished blooming, it's time for these trees to show off their beautiful pink blossoms.
Schöneberg also offers some beautiful blossom-spots, a.o. the entrance at Stadtbad Schöneberg.
At the Wiener Strasse, between the Liegnitzer Strasse and the Landwehrkanal, there's a wonderful row of cherry blossom trees at he bike and walk path.
The Wiener Strasse is right next to the Görlitzer Park, one of my favorite parks in Berlin.
Along the hiking trail, between Lohmühlenstrae and the Landwehrkanal, you can find a beautiful collection of blossoms.
You can't find this part of Berlin in tourist guides (except in the Berlin Guide for Instagrammers of course ;)) but it's very loved by locals.
During the summer months it is also nice to walk along the Landwehr Canal, or to float around with a kayak, canoe or inflatable boat. Every now and then there are even epic rubber boat parties!
The Zeiss Gross Planetarium with its dome with a diameter of 30 meters, is the largest planetarium in Germany. It was designed by the GDR architect Erhardt Gisske, and built in 1987 as one of the last prestigious GDR buildings.
The soft blossoms contrast beautifully with the planetarium's gigantic glossy dome.
Fliegeberg, the 'Hill for flying’, was build by Otto Lilienthal, who experimented with his flying machines on various hills around Berlin. He had the artificial ‘Fliegeberg’ (‘Fly mountain’) built in 1894 from rubble.
The hill is about 60 metres high and Lilienthal used it to test his gliders, who managed to fly for more than 80 metres from the top of the hill.
Today the mountain is part of a beautiful park, with many cherry trees and the top of the hill offers a fantastic view over the cherry trees.
There are many many more spots with photogenic Berlin Blossoms!
Visit Berlin has a Berlin Blossom map on there blog to help you find them all.
P.S. Do you like pink a much as I do? #silviehasathingwithpink ;)

Would you like to see and read more about Berlin?
Check my Berlin Guide For Instagrammers!
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